Assignment Minggu Keempat akan dilanjutkan sehari di sebabkan oleh permintaan dari Advokat (Mr Vernon_Kedit). Ini kerana beliau ingin para peserta mempersembahkan assignment yang lebih berkualiti dan bermutu.
Berikut tarikh, masa dan hari bagi peserta untuk menyiapkan assignment masing-masing:
Tarikh: 4 MEI 2007
Hari: Jumaat
Masa: 2PM
Harap Maklum!!!
Adam Dryx, do you know that a lot of people can't stand how busybody you are? You try to show how "clever" you are and how "nice" you are and you always try to give your "advice" and "opinion". But you think those people actually care? Do you know they are laughing behind your back?
I am responding to the comments you left at NingClix forum, and this is my reply:
Me kejar glamour? My dear, dear Adam. If I really wanted glamour, I could have had it many years ago when Kak Cham and Shaharudin and Abie and so many other editors of newspapers and magazines approached me to write cover stories on me and how I re-directed Ning's career. But I turned them all down and said "Ning first". They still approach me but I still turn them down. Not many people know this, only Ning and very close friends and the editors themselves. Don't believe? Ask them.
When TV3 approached me to be a judge on Gang Starz way back in November last year, I said NO. They asked again in December, I said NO. They asked again, in January. I still said NO. And finally, Dato Farid himself, the CEO of Media Prima called me a month before the show and asked. So I said YES, because no one says no to Dato Farid. Don't believe? Ask Dato Farid himself, ask Kak Kelly, Abg Pian and Nini and all the TV3 staff yang involved.
You know who's the one yang kejar glamour? YOU. Tak habis habis promo sendiri kat mana mana blog letak komen yang konon kononya munasabah dan tak habis habis masuk forum dan chatbox kat merata tempat just to shout to be heard. But guess what? People tell me they just ignore you because they know your style and dah lali dengan sikap you yang "I know it all".
Even Blogger Kick Start ignore you, tapi memang you tak malu, kan? Siap buat assignment lagi just to prove something and just to be heard. I really feel sorry for you. Please, sedar sikit.
So you think this whole glamour thing is all new to me? Please la, Adam. Eight years in the music industry, I could have had it right from the start, but real professionals don't see the need for glamour. People who are in the industry knows who we are and we don't need to advertise ourselves like what you are doing right now.
Don't even try to talk to me like you are such an expert in the industry because no one in the industry even knows who you are.
To all 7 contestants, please do not read Adam's posting on Dafi because it is misguided, biased, and lacks any real substance or credibility. It is written by someone who thinks he knows the music industry when really he has no idea whatsoever.
And Adam, in future, don't try to question anyone's sexuality. It is not your place or right to do so. You try to cast doubt on Dafi's sexuality but at least Dafi has never been seen in Blue Boy or other gay clubs like yourself and your friends who hang out at all those questionable places.
Kak Red and Tuan UjangMD, please do not delete this comment. I want EVERYONE to read it. Sekian, thank you.